Percentage Calculator 1.0

  • Categoría: Calculators
  • Licencia: Freeware
  • Tamaño: < 1 KB
  • Sistema: w2000 wXP vista
  • Idiomas:

A tiny free application that enables to calculate tax percentage value.

Percentage Calculator is a tiny application, completely free, that enables you to do the following operation: to calculate the percentage value of tax and the percentage difference of two values.

It is the simpliest program, not very ambitious (however it hasn`t many calculation types) with a minimum interface but the results are the most effective and intuitive.

Appears in only one window where white and blue predominate with four pigeonholes for the data and various buttons, where it enhances Calculate, and this is from where you do the operation.

A program specifically for those who want to do these type of calculations.


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